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What Makes Up The Software Defined Data Center?

By David Fafel |   Jun 07, 2016

“Software Defined Data Center is where…all the complexity in configuring and changing all the individual elements is abstracted to a single control level where you can make those changes with the single press of a button.”

Software Defined Systems: 5 Major Benefits to the Enterprise

By Greg LaBrie |   Jun 02, 2016

Are you considering migrating to software defined systems to automate just about everything in your infrastructure? A software defined system uses software to automate and virtualize the main components of your IT architecture: Compute, Networking, and Storage. There are a number of benefits of software defined technology and today we will highlight five major benefits—we call them the 5 A’s.

3 Reasons Why the Market Demands Software Defined Networking

By Greg LaBrie |   May 26, 2016

Software Defined Networking is a new paradigm. One that is emerging in data centers around the world. It is not simply because it is the next natural progression of networking, but rather the market is demanding a modernized infrastructure to keep up with the pace of technological change. Let’s explore 3 (although there are several) market drivers begging for the salvation that SDN provides.

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