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Helping Your Company Accept—and Conquer—Any Business Challenge

By Greg LaBrie |   Mar 25, 2020

If you’re like most companies, your remote work program until now made up a subsection or possibly a small part of your work force and operations. Some positions were ideally suited for it such as project managers or specialized tech support that are out and about remotely working. For most staff members, remote work was limited to short windows such as an occasional snow day or a family matter that forced them home for one reason or another. Some companies recently have allowed employees to work from home one day a week as a perk or incentive to improve company retention rates.

Empower your Workforce with Employee Choice from Apple

By Greg LaBrie |   Apr 16, 2019

In 1981, the classic British rock group, The Kings, sang, “Give the people what they want.” Companies are now giving their employees what they want as well when it comes to their company computing devices. What they want is choice. This should be of no surprise to anyone familiar with today’s technology climate as it is simply a natural extension of the Consumerization of IT. IDG Enterprise defines the CoIT as “the propensity for users’ experiences with technology as consumers to impact their expectations regarding their technology experiences at work.” Employees today want to have a say in the technology and tools they use at work, which makes sense, because we all prefer working with what we are comfortable with. 

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