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Achieve 100% Network Visibility with Cisco Tetration

By Josh Cronin |   Jul 12, 2018

How much visibility do you have into your organization’s network? How confident is your IT team in its ability to accurately map out the network, which is a necessary step in data center migrations. According to a white paper from IDC, a mere 18% increase in network visibility can improve security breach preventative measures by over 40%. Many organizations know there are devices on their network that are unaccounted for, but many do not have a way of even guessing how many devices that is, let alone strategizing how to secure them.

Cisco ACI Secures Your Enterprise through Microsegmentation

By Greg LaBrie |   Nov 24, 2016

Writer's note: Every Thursday in November and December, this blog will highlight the SDN solution, Cisco ACI. As market acceptance and adoption increases for SDN, IT professionals can count on WEI to fairly evaluate the market leading SDN solutions available today.

There’s a lot of talk about SDN solutions today such as Cisco’s Application Centric Infrastructure. In fact, Cisco ACI is the industry’s most comprehensive software defined networking (SDN) architecture to date. By integrating ACI into IT operations, IT now has the ability to align IT services with business objectives and policy requirements. [click to tweet] Achieving this organizational transformation can be a game changer for most any organization, allowing them to streamline their services at large and gain greater efficiencies and profit margins. Instead of serving its traditional role as a cost bucket, IT can become a leader, introducing and initiating value added projects that recognizably add to the profitability and success of the business.

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