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The Benefits Of NaaS And Why Your Business Should Make It A Priority

  Victor Fabian     May 10, 2022

The Benefits Of NaaS And Why Your Business Should Make It A PriorityThe rise of cloud-based computing coincides with the increase of as-a-service models. Many companies realize that transitioning to this business model offers significant opportunities for business development, growth, and financial transparency. Enterprises adding new technologies to IT infrastructure can stretch existing networks beyond capacity. This is why many companies are finding that Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) is exactly what they need to fulfill their business objectives. In this article, we discuss the basics of NaaS, its benefits, and why these advantages can help with the costliness and complexity of managing multiple networks within your organization.

The Basics Of NaaS

Before we get into the benefits of NaaS, let’s briefly review what this cloud service model entails. Cloudfare explains, “NaaS allows customers to operate their own networks without maintaining their own networking infrastructure. Like other cloud services, NaaS vendors run networking functions using software, essentially allowing companies to set up their own networks entirely without hardware. All they need is Internet connectivity.” This emerging model can give organizations much-needed flexibility. Instead of buying and installing rigid network hardware that eventually ages, businesses can pay a monthly subscription for network services.

Essentially, those who use NaaS can more easily move network infrastructure to the cloud allowing users to operate their own networks without maintaining their own networking infrastructure. The NaaS model can bring countless benefits to organizations of all sizes and the HPE GreenLake for Networking solution can be an incredibly helpful resource.

The Benefits Of NaaS

NaaS simplifies management of technologies and is cheaper to operate than traditional network infrastructure. It can provide organizations with the flexibility and agility needed by keeping up with the rapid and constant changes in IT. As HPE GreenLake for Networking points out, “To put this in context, the last 8 years has seen us jump from Wi-Fi 5 through Wi-Fi 6 and now into Wi-Fi 6E. Technology iterates quickly, as do business requirements.” NaaS can help your enterprise stay ahead of the curve.

No matter what size of office you run, NaaS offers scalable solutions to support any business from federal agencies, healthcare sectors, education, and much more. HPE GreenLake for Networking provides all of these advantages and then some. A few examples include:

  1. Lower Cost

Considering that we are in a post-pandemic era where enterprises expect more and more out of a limited IT budget, this particular benefit could be the biggest of all. NaaS reduces numerous IT costs including infrastructure, hardware, software and operations. This service also offers flexibility with monthly subscriptions instead of being charged large networking costs all at once, allowing for a more predictable budget. This consumption model allows for better transparency when balancing your annual budget.

  1. Optimizes Performance

Optimization is a common challenge for organizations that are looking to digitally transform. NaaS can ensure your network operates efficiently by determining how capable it is of supporting the amount of traffic you are getting. Your provider can then make any necessary adjustments.

  1. Proactive Network Management

Many organizations practice a reactive maintenance strategy. This can lead to unexpected downtime, especially when dealing with the network demands of modern enterprises. Instead of having your IT team spend a significant amount of time on troubleshooting the network, NaaS solutions can and will predict network issues early on with proactive monitoring. In regards to HPE GreenLake for Networking, a Forrester Consulting survey reports, “Interviewed customers noted a significant decrease in time-to-market for the global IT projects after the HPE GreenLake investment.” This survey found that GreenLake customers could reduce deployment of global IT projects by 75%.

  1. Improved Security

Data breaches are at an all-time high with one ransomware attack every 11 seconds in 2022, which is an increase of 20% compared to 2019. These attacks are a concern for businesses of every size. However, one of the many benefits of NaaS is that it helps protect sensitive data in any industry by implementing best practices for IT security. HPE GreenLake for Networking can also provide detailed insights in order to make sure your network is at optimal operating standards and free of security vulnerabilities.


In general, implementing Network-as-a-Service has a variety of advantages. Enterprises are moving to the cloud every day. As such, they will need to determine how their data will be networked. NaaS enables you to get the network infrastructure help your organization needs and a model you can afford. It’s a terrific way to transform your business, optimize processes, increase security, and more.

The overall benefits of increasing agility and reducing network complexity enable organizations to have optimized networks that help dynamic environments grow. Contact the networking experts at WEI to find out how you can take advantage of this as a service model for your organization.

Next Steps: Digitally transforming your company can become less challenging with HPE Aruba Networking’s flexible approach to networking. Learn more about how NaaS can take your network performance to the next level by downloading our white paper titled, Why HPE GreenLake for Networking NaaS is the Next Big Thing and Why You Need It.”


Tags  Cloud computing HPE Aruba Networking network management naas Data Center Architecture Cloud Management Cloud Software

Victor Fabian

Written by Victor Fabian

Victor Fabian is a Senior Mobility and Access Architect here at WEI. He brings with him more than a dozen certifications including Aruba’s most distinguished award AMFX #8 (Aruba Mobile First Expert), and has more than a decade of solution design experience in the VAR channel, including as an HPE Aruba Networking Partner Ambassador. Victor is also very active with Aruba Airheads and is recognized as an MVP Guru by the Aruba Airheads Community. Stay in touch with Victor by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter (@victorfabian_dr).

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