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How To Overcome Network Challenges With Automation And Analytics

  Victor Fabian     Aug 11, 2020

Aruba-cxswitch-blogThese days, more enterprises than ever are undergoing digital transformations to modernize their operations and keep up with the competition. Technologies like cloud computing, mobile tools and various IoT (Internet of Things) solutions are being adopted to power these transformations.

However, these newer technologies are often more than older networks can handle. Manual management of these networks is also a problem, costing IT teams valuable time and energy that could be spent elsewhere.

So how can IT teams get around these problems? The first step is identifying the source.

Supporting Network Changes

Today’s IT teams are dealing with previously unseen volumes of data, devices and applications, which all require constant management. Older networks, which frequently require manual management, also raise the risk of human error, causing additional issues or downtime.

When it comes time to update, manual implementation device by device takes additional resources, especially as business requirements continue to evolve.

To tackle this issue, IT teams need simple automation for everyday processes like configurations and deployment.

Difficulty Resolving Network Issues

Network-impacting issues require quick responses from IT. Using show commands or other manual methods of recreating and solving these problems is too time consuming and inefficient for enterprises with large networks.

Likewise, large quantities of network performance data can be overwhelming. Afterall, if IT can’t find the data behind the issue, they can’t solve it.

On the other hand, third-party monitoring tools, which can provide additional insights, are often not detailed enough, making it difficult to catch short-lived problems.

To ensure quick responses to network issues, IT teams need easy access to real-time analytics that are automatically correlated to probable causes.

Security For Modern Networks

Between IoT, workforce flexibility and BYOD (bring your own device), IT security gaps are widening quickly. More devices mean more avenues for attacks from cybercriminals, especially considering the general lack of strict security measures included with mobile and IoT devices.

Onboarding new devices is similarly problematic, with manual processes often acting as a drain on resources, while also being prone to human error.

Automated, policy-based management, used to secure application traffic and manage user profiles, is the most efficient method to reduce the security burden of modern networks on IT.

Benefits of Automation And Analytics

New network infrastructure and management tools, which use automation and analytics to simplify the administration process, can reduce the burden of everyday tasks for IT and free them up for other priorities.

Security can also be shored up through automation. A solution that can inspect, secure, and separate network traffic through dynamic segmentation will minimize the potential for risk. Additionally, solutions that provide role-based policy framework across the network simplify the process of granting correct access for devices.

Perhaps most importantly, network infrastructure that captures data natively and offers analytics that help preempt problems through showing trends across the network and other types of data, helps keep issues from occurring in the first place. This is an additional way that IT teams can spend less time on day to day management tasks and more time improving performance.

Aruba CX Features All This And More

The Aruba CX Switching Portfolio offers IT a way to deliver better user experiences through real-time insights to help IT detect and resolve issues before they impact the network. They also feature a cloud-native design and microservices-based architecture, allowing common tasks to be automated.

Aruba Dynamic Segmentation handles the policy side of things and enforces user and device policies across the network, further optimizing the network experience for IT teams.

Built specifically to tackle common network issues through automation and intelligent analytics, Aruba CX Switches can help enterprises take their digital transformations to the next level.

Are You Ready For Aruba?

Legacy networks are no longer able to handle the demand of IoT, cloud-based services, and business critical mobility. By implementing Aruba CX switches, IT teams can simplify operations, save time through automation, and create the user experience employees demand, whether they’re on the road or in the office.

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Tags  IT Security Automation data analytics

Victor Fabian

Written by Victor Fabian

Victor Fabian is a Senior Mobility and Access Architect here at WEI. He brings with him more than a dozen certifications including Aruba’s most distinguished award AMFX #8 (Aruba Mobile First Expert), and has more than a decade of solution design experience in the VAR channel, including as an HPE Aruba Networking Partner Ambassador. Victor is also very active with Aruba Airheads and is recognized as an MVP Guru by the Aruba Airheads Community. Stay in touch with Victor by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter (@victorfabian_dr).

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