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WEI has been Named HPE Partner of the Year for VAR Growth

  Greg LaBrie     Sep 13, 2016


We’re pleased to announce we have been awarded the 2016 HPE US Partner of the Year award for VAR percentage growth by Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). This is the second time we’ve been honored with this distinction, and both times the honor has been based on percentage growth. HPE shared a blog post announcing the winners; view it here.

HPE’s 2016 Partner of the Year Awards

The HPE Partner of the Year 2016 awards recognize partners across all of their business groups, including the Enterprise Group, Software, HPE Financial Services and Alliances. A longtime collaborator with WEI, HPE honored 61 companies for their outstanding performance and accomplishments; the distinction showcases our commitment to our clients, customers and partners, all of which were integral to our continued growth and success throughout the years.

We’ve been a top-preforming HPE partner for more than 25 years. During this time, we have continuously delivered expertise and value to customers in the areas of convergence, hyperconvergence, software defined infrastructure and other emerging technologies designed to build stable and secure hybrid cloud environments. By partnering and collaborating with both HPE and customers, we have created enduring business relationships that guarantee success and stand the test of time.

Collaborative Technology Solutions

In 2016, we were able to displace a competitive platform by designing, deploying and supporting a flexible “Production on Demand” solution for a national SaaS provider utilizing HPE converged technology solutions for hybrid cloud. This cloud solution is 100 percent redundant, has millions of simultaneous users and has never had a minute of downtime. We have also led the New England HPE VAR community for three years in both storage and servers, and grown our overall HPE revenue number by 70 percent. We’re pleased to say we are on target to exceed that number again this year.

According to our Founder and President Belisario Rosas, “We are honored to have been acknowledged and to be named HPE Partner of the Year for VAR percentage growth, especially for the second time. At WEI, we are continually committed to providing the best, most cutting-edge technology solutions for our clients and customers. By helping each client meet the needs of their enterprise through attention to detail and dedication to quality, we have seen a bulk of our business grow through referrals from satisfied clients.”

HPE is a partner-focused organization that is committed to the mutual growth of companies it works with through innovative, collaborative solutions, delivering valuable resources and networking. They have a large network of partners worldwide and continually provides powerful business outcomes that drive the growth and success of all. We are honored to have been distinguished as a VAR Growth Partner of the Year for the second time.

View the HPE Partner of the Year Awards in Their Blog Post

This year, HPE offered four Partner of the Year awards based on VAR Growth, VAR Revenue, Direct Market Reseller (DMR) and Distributor. The distinctions honor national enterprises in the technology space who have demonstrated standout service, increasing revenue and growth, and distribution of services.

To learn more about HPE’s Partner of the Year awards, view their blog post announcing the winners. Thank you, HPE!

  About WEI Awards HPE

Greg LaBrie

Written by Greg LaBrie

Greg LaBrie has more than 20 years of network architecture and engineering experience designing networks that exceed technical requirements, improve operational proficiency and reduce total costs of ownership. Greg holds a number of technical certifications for HPE, Cisco, Fortinet, and much more.

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