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The Evolution of Cybersecurity Threats: Lessons from the Frontlines

By Todd Humphreys |   Jul 30, 2024

Cybersecurity has become one of the most critical aspects of modern business operations, especially for IT executives tasked with safeguarding their organization's digital assets. As cyber threats evolve in complexity and scale, understanding their progression and learning from past incidents is crucial for building resilient defenses. The insights shared during WEI’s recent Cyber Warfare & Beyond event provide IT security leaders a valuable perspective on the major cybersecurity incidents of our time and how they have shaped current strategies.

Maximizing Incident Response with a Modern SOC

By Shawn Murphy |   May 31, 2024

The goal of every security organization is to protect its data. This mission has become increasingly complex in the face of an expanding attack surface and increasingly sophisticated and frequent attacks waged by relentless adversaries. Effectively responding to security incidents requires the Security Operations Center (SOC) to validate alerts and provide the IR team with critical details on the scope of the threat so they can quickly and reliably remediate the issue. However, several obstacles hinder the SOC from gaining the necessary visibility to deliver this critical insight.

6 Benefits That WEI And Palo Alto’s Cortex XSIAM Can Offer Your SOC

By Shawn Murphy |   May 21, 2024

Time is a precious commodity, something that most people wish they had more of. This includes the security operations center (SOC), as analysts are constantly under pressure to stay ahead of cyberattack methodologies to better ensure business continuity. And as sharp as our experts are, the team at WEI cannot create more hours for the day. Still, we can streamline and automate your security operations to effectively make it seem like we have done just that. Enhanced time efficiency is just one of six proven benefits that WEI, in collaboration with Cortex XSIAM by Palo Alto Networks, can offer.

Five Ways SOAR Resolves Your Organization's Pressing SOC Challenges

By Mike Thweatt |   Apr 30, 2024

Imagine this: you’re a security analyst on the frontlines of your organization’s cybersecurity team. You stare at your monitor as alerts flood from various security programs, like alarms all going off at once. Then you ask: is it a full-blown attack or simply a routine update? The sheer volume of data makes prioritizing the most urgent threats a constant challenge.

Achieve Comprehensive Endpoint Security with Cortex XDR and WEI

By Shawn Murphy |   Apr 04, 2024

Bad actors are waging increasingly sophisticated and frequent attacks—including ransomware, cyber espionage, zero-day malware and fileless attacks—to exploit endpoint vulnerabilities. These rapid-fire, diverse attacks are generating an average of 11,000 alerts per week that security teams must investigate, triage and address.

Building The Cybersecurity Talent Pipeline With CyberTrust & The BSU Cyber Range

By Patrick Gamble |   Apr 02, 2024

As business leaders outside of IT continue accepting cybersecurity as a business strategy rather than just as a digital defense mechanism, there are still major vacancies in the cybersecurity personnel pipeline that require addressing. Knowing this, WEI’s advanced security solutions are complemented by a focus on helping replenish the talent pipeline. This commitment is confirmed by WEI’s partnership with CyberTrust Massachusetts, a non-profit organization working to cultivate a robust talent pipeline. The support CyberTrust receives from its higher education consortium members is paramount, especially with the all-new Cyber Range at Bridgewater State University (BSU) opening earlier this year. 

Using Performance Controls to Address Cybersecurity’s Achilles Heel

By Bill Frank |   Mar 21, 2024

See Bill Frank’s biography and contact information at the end of this article.

[Note: This is an updated version of the original article posted on March 21, 2024. I replaced the term "Governance” Controls with “Performance” Controls to eliminate any confusion with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 use of the term “Governance.”

I focus here on automated controls that monitor and measure the “performance” of “Defensive” controls that directly block threats or at least alert on suspicious activities.

How well are your cybersecurity controls performing? Measuring control efficacy is challenging. In fact, under-configured, misconfigured, and poorly tuned controls, as well as variances in security processes are the Achilles Heels of cybersecurity programs.

A mismatch between risk reduction potential and performance results in undetected threats (false negatives) as well as an excessive number of false positives. This leads to an increase in the likelihood of loss events.

All controls, whether people, processes, or technologies, can be categorized in one of two ways – Defensive or Performance.

Building A Stronger Cybersecurity Future: WEI Partners With CyberTrust Massachusetts

By Todd Humphreys |   Feb 08, 2024

Inside our IT bubble, leaders are aware of the cybersecurity skills shortage that plagues enterprises. As concerning as this challenge is, it may come as a surprise to the general public despite headlines over record ransoms, data leaks, and network breaches. Simply put, there are many more position openings than individuals available to fill them. This imbalance is creating a security gap that cybercriminals are taking advantage of.

Cybersecurity: WEI Remains Ahead Of The Moving Target

By Todd Humphreys |   Feb 01, 2024

As threat actors get more sophisticated and aggressive campaigns become more commonplace, it is imperative that corporations step up their game. In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and automation, the resources for a holistic approach have never been more available. Enterprises are starting to recognize the need to modernize their security operations center (SOC) with an advanced SOC solution. Unfortunately, CISOs everywhere are finding it difficult to identify a partner dedicated enough to conduct their due diligence about customer needs, identify potential solutions on the market, and deliver the know-how to implement the best technical solutions. WEI can do that.

Top Cybersecurity Trends For 2024

By Shawn Murphy |   Jan 04, 2024

As the 2024 New Year has arrived, so does the opportunity to make educated predictions for what the future holds for cybersecurity. Fundamentally, a cybersecurity strategy is an integral component of business strategy because it allows the business to harness risk. Since cybersecurity is often driven by compliance mandates and overly restrictive policies, cybersecurity teams are sometimes seen as the “department of no.” However, that need not always be the case.

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