Making sure you protect your data is essential in making sure your protocols are effective. With technology continuously evolving, data breaches are becoming more common, exposing confidential information to the masses. It is important to have a defense system in place that can counteract these breaches, but the challenges that face IT security personnel keep growing.
Although there are many solutions on the market that assist in defending servers and data, there are a number of elements that could potentially suffer, such as performance and user experience. This creates a barrier between security and performance, where there should be cohesion. The challenge remains in keeping data safe, reducing risk, and keeping the level of performance high.
How can systems be protected to avoid risk?
Intel is offering data protection along with its partners that will embed security in the hardware of platforms powered by Intel architecture. This hardware-enhanced security will provide an advantage over software-only solutions by strengthening the security of endpoints and better protecting data at rest without dragging down performance.
These challenges in security have a number of underlying causes:
- The growing sophistication of cybercriminals
- A growing attack of mobile devices clouds, laptops and wireless connectivity
- Lack of strong security protocols
New Tactics
Intel and its partners are introducing a new approach for your IT solutions provider to assist businesses in providing the best advantages in data protection. Their approach embeds security in the hardware of platforms powered by Intel architecture. By rooting data protection in the chipset, your business will have an increased advantage over software-only solutions.
How is this possible?
The security of endpoints will be hardened, creating a safer and seamless experience for users. This will not affect performance and will help reduce risk by allowing your team to safeguard data even if you have a lost or stolen device, or access protections are compromised. This helps decrease remediation costs, improves productivity and increases confidence in meeting any regulatory compliance mandates.
Is it possible to have protection and performance?
Data center protocols where information is securely locked down is a thing of the past. Today’s reality revolves around mobile users who are all hyper-connected with multiple devices. These users also work from multiple locations any time of day or night, connecting to a variety of enterprise-managed data centers and private or public clouds. This affects confidential data that is always mobile and on the move, being accessed by these devices in different locations. Protect your data the right way with the best protection protocols in place; providing endpoints that won’t sacrifice the experience or hinder productivity.
Through this new technology, Intel will enable strong, hardware-enhanced data protection features on fast, efficient platforms powered by various Intel processors. These hardware-enhanced technologies will also accelerate cryptographic processes and generate more secure keys for encryption and authentication without being noticed by users.
Using these methods to protect your data will increase speed, efficiency and usability, fighting against cybercriminals who are after sensitive information. This critical defense layer should be implemented to mitigate risks, reduce costs, ensure compliance and eliminate barriers to efficiency and productivity. Intel works overtime in assisting security practitioners to embed security features in all hardware across the organization.
Paying close attention to these features enhances the innovation within your data protection structure, deploying strong, efficient encryption across all devices being used. This aids your team in hindering vulnerability across all aspects of computing in and outside of the organization to prohibit any cybercriminals from breaking through your defenses and retrieving your data.
If you think you may have gaps in security or have recently experienced a breach, contact us today and we will help find or create the right solution for your IT environment.