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Industry Info to Know – 04.17.20 Roundup

Written by Greg LaBrie | Apr 17, 2020 5:13:29 PM

Whatever you need, we’ll make it work.

The WEI team has officially surpassed the 30-day mark of working from home. Depending on your local state government guidance, you may have been working from home longer. Either way we've learned a lot in 30 days about business continuity challenges and we continue to work with our customers to ensure their BC plans are effectively working as planned. The good news is that they are, and we're humbled to continue to support our customers in healthcare and higher ed with technology solutions and services that are driving their business forward through uncertain times, and uncertain obstacles. 

As a team of trusted advisors to your company, we put a lot of effort into perfecting our practice. We are continuously learning, testing, and expanding our expertise across all facets of the enterprise IT landscape. That being said, we have an obligation to stay ahead of trends, look forward to the future of IT and provide insights to help our customers navigate the ever-evolving IT landscape.

Each Friday you can expect to see a new "Industry Info to Know" blog post from WEI consisting of a roundup of articles from industry experts, analysts, and our partners that we find insightful and helpful. We will also include links to industry news that you need to know about—news that will impact your business so you can plan ahead for it. We all need to help each other right now—we're all in IT together.

There were a lot of great articles that caught our attention this week. Let's take a look...

Industry News & Insights

CISOs on CISOs – Addressing the Security Challenges of the New Teleworker Business Model
Hear directly from four of Fortinet's CISOs in this Q&A blog post that addresses best practices for securing infrastructure beyond just securing remote workers. 
Read more >> 

Three Network Challenges IT Can Solve to Drive Business Continuity
Business continuity is the name of the game, but what are the easiest ways to get network connectivity up and running? This blog post from Cisco reviews three common challenges companies are facing with maintaining business operations. 

COVID-19 Accelerates the iPad’s Appeal as a Productivity Device
This article from Moor Insights and Strategy explores iPad’s evolving role as an acceptable alternative to the PC for productivity and highlights 4 reasons why the trend of iPads in the enterprise setting will only continue to grow.

Secure Your Enterprise in a Zero Trust World with Intelligent Infrastructure
What if you could secure your remote workforce starting with your servers? This WEI blog post highlights how HPE's Gen 10 servers are helping reduce cybersecurity risks. 

How to Rapidly Scale IT Infrastructure for Remote Workers
This article on SDxCentral shares insights and lessons learned from IT professionals regarding cloud, VPN and hardware requirements, and shares 4 key takeaways from rapidly scaling IT infrastructure.
Read more >> 

What Technology Accelerates Long-Term After The Short-Term COVID-19 Danger Subsides?
What will the tech industry look like after COVID-19 subsides? This article shares predictions for the growth and adoption of technologies such as VDI, Hybrid cloud, Edge IoT, as well as predictions for the future of supply chain and manufacturing.

How To Secure The Intelligent Edge
This article written by Moor Insights and Strategy shares stats from the current state of cybersecurity in enterprise IT, and explains why securing the intelligent edge is a multi-dimensional task that is equal parts product, process, and people.


Enjoy a little IT humor on us.

Industry Conferences Update

We are actively monitoring the status of industry tradeshows and conferences and will provide updates as they come in. We've been referring to this helpful roundup from SDxCentral:  COVID-19 Trade Show Impact (Update).


Assess your remote worker strategy today

We are finding that companies are all over the gamut when it comes to preparedness for remote workers at scale. WEI has experience and expertise in VDI and Desktop as a Service solutions from the industry's leading vendors. We invite you to take us up on a VDI assessment or VDI Health Check up today.


How can we help?

We've been in tight communications with all customers and are providing peace of mind with the mantra, "Whatever you need, we'll make IT work." And we've answered the call—helping our customers with everything from supplying equipment, parts, cloud advice, architecture design, VDI, networking support, remote monitoring, staff augmentation services, and so much more... Contact us today to learn how we can help your business.

NEXT STEPS: Explore our previous editions of the 'Industry Info to Know' Blog Series:

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